Giving Your Health Your Best Shot: Vitamin B12 Injections Can Boost Your Energy

B12 injections can help boost energy and promote weight loss

“I feel tired and weak.” “I have no energy to get things done.” “I feel off-balance.” “I can’t think clearly.” “I get feelings of ‘pins and needles’ in my hands and feet.” “My heart feels like it’s racing.”


If these complaints sound familiar, they may be signs that your body is deficient in vitamin B12.  Vitamin B12 is essential for cell growth, energy production, and making red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body and brain. Without adequate oxygen, metabolism slows down, and brain function is impaired. Severe B12 deficiency may lead to depression, delusions, memory loss, and other serious health problems.   


Signs of B12 Deficiency:

  • Low energy level
  • Difficulty thinking and remembering
  • Feeling off-balance or dizzy
  • Pale or yellow skin
  • Red, sore tongue that looks smoother than normal
  • Heart racing or palpitations


The body cannot make B12 on its own and relies on getting it from food, supplements, or injections. Foods rich in B12 include meat, eggs, dairy products, and fortified grain products. Vegans and vegetarians are at risk for B12 deficiency and should take a daily supplement. However, some people, due to a common genetic defect, cannot absorb vitamin B12 in their digestive tract at all, no matter how much they take. 


Risks of B12 deficiency:


Even if you do not identify with any of these risk factors, chances are, you still may not be getting enough B12.  Even in healthy people, only about 10 mcg of a 500 mcg oral supplement of B12 is actually absorbed, and the rest leaves the body as waste. Low B12 is linked to low energy levels. 


Benefits of B12 Injections


By having vitamin B12 injected, it avoids the absorption problems of the digestive system. The dose can immediately start working in your body’s cells. In response to the injected dose, the body quickly revs up the production of red blood cells.  Increased levels of red blood cells can be detected in the blood within 48 to 72 hours.  This enhances oxygen delivery throughout the body and brain. Improved energy levels may encourage a more active lifestyle and promote weight loss. 


What to Expect from B12 Injections at FIKA Infusion + Wellness


When you walk through our doors, you’ll be comforted by our clean, spa-like atmosphere at FIKA. Our experienced, registered nurses make the injection as easy and painless as possible. Side effects are usually mild and may include pain and skin irritation at the injection site. The benefits of B12 injections outweigh the risks. Some people report feeling an immediate boost of energy from their B12 shot, with lasting positive effects on their mood and ability to concentrate. Whether you are just starting on your weight loss journey or preparing for your next race, an energy boost from regular B12 injections may help you reach your goals.  


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