mobile iv therapy

IV Infusions for Skin Health: Nourishing and Rejuvenating the Complexion

Aging, stress, poor diet, and even the environment can take a toll on our skin, causing dryness, wrinkles, acne, or dullness. The skincare world has expanded considerably, exploring innovative methods to treat these concerns, one of which is intravenous (IV) infusions. Not only are IV infusions an essential part of medical treatments for certain conditions,…

Woman weighs herself on a bathroom scale wearing a white robe

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals with Fika and Semaglutide

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Faster with Fika Depending on your situation, losing weight could greatly improve your health and well-being. However, actually losing weight can be a daunting, and difficult task. Even coming up with a plan can be overwhelming, as there is so much information out there, but Fika is focused on solutions…

The Ultimate Hangover Cure

The Ultimate Hangover Cure

A hangover can really wreck your day, and sometimes it can wreck several days. There are so many so-called hangover cures out there, from disgusting shakes you’re supposed to make in the blender, to specific, greasy meals that promise to magically make you feel better after choking them down. The thing is, most of these hangover cures…


Hydration is Happiness

According to second-grade teachers everywhere (and the National Institute for Health and the American College of Sports Medicine), the human body is made up of 45-75% water. Your body composition determines just how much water you’re made of; muscles being 70-75% water while fat tissue is only 10-40% water. Needless to say, staying hydrated is…

Sprains and Strains How To Reduce Inflammation and Promote Fast Healing

Sprains and Strains: How To Reduce Inflammation and Promote Fast Healing

Imagine that you’ve been training for a marathon for months, you’ve done everything right, have the best diet and exercise regimen, and have the best running shoes. You are pumped with excitement and it’s only weeks away. But life doesn’t always cooperate with us. You wake up one bright, sunny morning and trip over your…

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List of Upcoming Events

We are so excited to keep you updated on our mobile events! We have a lot of incredible places in store this year we’ll be visiting. Visit our booth at the Salt Lake City Marathon April 18, 2020 Meet us at the finish line, near 5th south.  

Vitamin B12 Injections Can Boost Your Energy

Giving Your Health Your Best Shot: Vitamin B12 Injections Can Boost Your Energy

2020 Salt Lake City Marathon

2020 Salt Lake City Marathon

Staying Healthy This Winter 2019

Staying Healthy This Winter 2019